Thinking about umpiring, but not sure about it??

Umpiring can be a very fulfilling responsibility.  Giving back to the game and making new friends.

We have a shortage of properly qualified umpires across Calgary.  We need new umpires to keep up high-quality officiating for YOUR games.

Male and Female umpires are needed at all levels.

We've asked many umpires "Why do you do it"?  The common answers are:

  • Fun & exciting
  • Conflict resolution skills used
  • Camaraderie
  • Competition
  • Love of the game
  • Investing back to the game
  • Conditioning (mental and physical)
  • Travel, brotherhood
  • Personal development.

We suspect many people are unsure whether they could umpire.  We want to give these people an opportunity to talk to some of the umpires before committing to taking a clinic.  Or just to ask questions if you are already signed up.

We are doing a live Q&A session to answer your questions.  Anything goes.

  1. What if I am unsure of whether I would be a good umpire?
  2. What does it take to be a good umpire?
  3. Why does CMSUA have a good umpiring program?  Will you be supportive of me?
  4. What happens after I take a clinic and have to do my first game? Will I be alone?
  5. What if a coach gets in my face or doesn't like me?  How do I handle this?
  6. How often do I need to umpire?  Will you work around my already busy schedule?
  7. How hard is the clinic exam?  What do I need to do to pass?
  8. What if I am busy on the weekend of the clinic? Can I still become carded?

We hope this opportunity will help those who need questions answered before they consider umpiring.

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 5th - 7:30pm [Prior Date: Fill out form if interested in a future date]
Location: Via Phone call or Google Hangout
[Details will be shared once RSVP received and date set]

Please complete the below form to RSVP.  If you know of anyone else who would benefit from this, please send this info to them.
