2015 HR Sports Bulk Buy

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  • #71006
    Geoff Larsen

      As I did last year, I am organizing a bulk-buy from Winnipeg head office of HR Sports. The local stores don’t carry as much stock.

      Any size issues can be exchanged/returned at the local store.

      If you would like to be included on the order, please reply back with a completed order form.

      You are also welcome to order anything else on the web-site, you are not limited to the items listed.

      Deadline: Friday, May 15th
      Order to be placed Monday May 18th for delivery at Blues Tournament on May 22nd

      Completed form to be emailed to umpirerequest@calgaryminorsoftball.com

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      Geoff Larsen


        They are completely out of the long peak and short peak flex fit hats. The only hat now is a fitted combo peak hat and they are $27.99 each.

        They also only have windshirts left in sizes large to XXL and they are $22.50 each.

        Geoff Larsen

          Reminder that orders must be in by this Friday..

          Orders received:
          Emma J-S
          Mark T
          Jim N

          Geoff Larsen

            Although I tried my hardest to get the order delivered on time for SBR Blues Tournament, it sometimes seems that no matter how well you plan things they can fall apart.

            I have notification that the shipment is being sent out today, and will arrive on Monday. I will meet up with those who ordered throughout the week.



            Les Yuen

              Good job, Geoff!!!

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