Category: News

Ask an Umpire..

Round 1 of CMSUA play is over, and all the umpires, players, coaches, and parents now have a few games behind them. It is now an excellent opportunity to be able to ask questions about the game. Ask now instead of in playoffs...give your players time to adjust their game before the game truly matters..

Coaches/Parents/Spectators/Players.... Please post in the discussion area of the website and get the answers you always wanted....

See you on the diamonds!!

Softball Canada – Minor Softball Rules

Hot off the press. This has not yet been reviewed by CMSA or CMSUA, and is for information purposes only.

With the creation of Softball’s Long-Term Player Development Model in 2008, Softball Canada determined that rules unification was a key element of our LTPD implementation plan. The creation of a nationally standardized set of rules for the minor age categories would assist in aligning our competition structures with LTPD principles. The goal was to create a set of rules to be followed by all minor age categories that was based on the latest research on growth and motor development to ensure that the games played by children and youth were age and stage appropriate and met the objectives for those stages of development. The end goal is that more Canadians are enjoying playing softball at the recreational and elite levels.

The rules that follow were developed with the help of experts from across Canada and it is recommended by Softball Canada that all softball governing bodies follow these rules for minors as a supplement to the standard rules found earlier in this document.

Minor Softball Rules

CMSUA Phone Number

Announcing a new dedicated phone # for CMSUA. Save this number to your phone, as it is our permanent number

Although CMSUA business is usually better managed by e-mail, there are times when contact needs to be urgent or you need a quick answer.

This phone # will contact the Assignor during an active season, and the Executive during the off-season.

Coaches, Umpires and CMSA members are welcome to use this number when needed.


Don’t miss out on the action

With CMSUA's new Discussion Area, any person now has the ability to subscribe to a topic and be immediately notified/e-mailed of new postings on that topic. The discussion area is a valuable method of sharing information and your ideas. The discussion area is open to anyone, including parents, coaches, players. Go ahead and stump the ump. There are no dumb questions...

Continue reading "Don’t miss out on the action"

Did you miss the clinic?

For anyone who couldn't attend the CSMUA clinic due to a conflict, who wants to become an umpire may alternatively attend the CSUA clinic this weekend. April 18-19th.

We need to know ahead of time if you plan on attending this clinic. Please reply to this message if you plan on going. We will reimburse any minor aged umpires who go to this clinic for the fee they pay ($50).

You can still register with us and do games for the kids if you attend this clinic.

Faster Website

I have moved the website from GoDaddy to HostGator.  GoDaddy was quite slow, and users were not getting the responsiveness to keep them engaged.

The experience should be much faster.  There is always a risk we broke something on the transition.  Please let me know if you have problems with anything on the website, especially something that worked before today's change.

HostGator is a very good and reputable host, and you should notice a big improvement.

More Info