Ask an Umpire..

Round 1 of CMSUA play is over, and all the umpires, players, coaches, and parents now have a few games behind them. It is now an excellent opportunity to be able to ask questions about the game. Ask now instead of in playoffs...give your players time to adjust their game before the game truly matters..

Coaches/Parents/Spectators/Players.... Please post in the discussion area of the website and get the answers you always wanted....

See you on the diamonds!!

1 Comment

Geoff Larsen

Question: How Old do I have to be to be an umpire?

We have umpires as young as 13 years old right now. As an umpire you are better served umpiring kids at the same age or younger.

Most of our weekly scheduled umpired games are for 13+ ages, with tournaments being an exception where we cover very young people (Ages 9+)

Tell us what you think...