2014 Umpire Clinic

April 5, 2014 @ 8:30 am – April 6, 2014 @ 1:30 pm
Nexen Buliding
801 7 Avenue Southwest
Calgary, AB T2P 1A1
2014 Umpire Clinic @ Nexen Buliding | Calgary | Alberta | Canada

Official carded training clinic for softball umpires in Calgary. Recognized by Softball Canada. We are looking for new umpires of all ages and genders

This course has it all, instruction, videos, visual demonstrations, casebook scenarios and written examination. Calgary’s most experienced umpires present this innovated approach to softball umpiring. April 6, will be the exam correction session and field mechanics demonstrations (Weather Permitting)

April 5-6, 2014

Open to all Umpire Levels (New and Experienced), CMSA Coaches, Players and Parents

8:30am – 9:00am Registration
9:00am – 4:00pm Technical
9:00am – 2:00pm Mechanics

Nexen Building - 801 – 7 Avenue S.W. (free underground parking)

Adult Umpires $40.00
Coaches and Parents $25.00
Minor Aged Umpires Free
*Includes lunch and clinic materials

Clinic Poster

CMSUA Clinic Outline (Last Year's)

1 Comment


After passing the clinic, if you are able to help to umpire our league play, we would appreciate any help any time. Our leagues start early April and go to the end of June, we operate Monday through Thursday evenings 6:30pm – 8:15pm. Weekend tournaments are available as well. We are very flexible as far as ones availability goes. We will try to accommodate all interested parties. We strongly believe CMSUA has the best approach to learning and advancing as an umpire. We will provide support and mentoring for first time umpires.

For anyone who cannot attend the CSMUA clinic due to a conflict, who wants to become an umpire may alternatively attend the Adult clinic the following weekend. April 12-13th. Umpires who attend and want to register with CMSUA should advise us accordingly.


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