Umpires are the most important – Why???
A post on Facebook was gratefully sent out to members of a softball group to spread the word. Though we are important, we do need to keep our role in perspective:"Because we need Umpires, they are the most important player in the game."Response:
We are important but there is no game without the players. We are well aware of that and treat players and coaches with respect. We strive just like players to do our best at all times and are probably more hard on ourselves then the coaches and fans when we make a mistake. We can't be perfect t but we do try!By umpiring you do get a different perspective of the game. We know all rules exist because someone tried to get an unfair advantage at some point. It is very important to keep the game fair and we take this mandate seriously.Anyone who wants to try umpiring can do as few or as many games as time permits. Some of our umpires are elite players too.1 day every other week works. It will let u know if you like it and have something to continue doing after your playing career is over.Please feel free to ask ANY questions. We have a thick skin and broad shoulders. At least those of us with skins like leather and big chest protectors under our shirt. ;)-----------Any further thoughts on this? What do YOU like about umpiring? Do you feel important? Why do you do it?