Selling a Call
When umpiring a game its important to sell a call to the players, coaches, fans and yes your partners) too. Proper mechanics and using the right signals goes a long way in selling a call.Mechanics example: if the plate umpire is not set in the proper position (the slot) or is too far back from the plate or is setting too high or low - how can he/she accurately and consistently make a call on the outside corner of the plate? Even though a player or coach questioning an umpire's strike zone is out of line it certainly doesn't stop the fans from making the call for you.Signals example: except for a slight delay in signaling a call to make sure you have it right its important to make the call in a loud confident voice with a crisp signal, no laryngitis type voice and no arms flaying about.In using the proper mechanics and signals an umpire creates what is called 'diamond presence'. Knowing the rules to a 'T' is great, but looking like an umpire who knows what they are doing goes a long way towards maintaining game control when making close or controversial calls.