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Questions from the field

Name: Robbie MooreEmail: moore.robbie913@gmail.comComment: I wanted to post these plays for discussion but couldn't, so i will put them in here. tonight we had a batted ball go off the 3rd baseman glove and out of play (into an adjacent diamond at Shouldice) I was the base umpire and the home plate umpire called "out of play, 1 base "... we spoke about after the half inning and neither of us had a situation like that before so or thoughts were it wasn't a thrown ball, so 1 base should be right.second play, bases were loaded and the infielders were playing in. The batted ball went off the 2nd baseman glove and into the feet of the runner going from first to second. I did not call interference or anything because the ball went off a fielders glove into the legs of the runner. Home plate umpire agreed but defensive team coaches were very adamant the runner should have been out.
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