Site icon Calgary Minor Softball Umpires

Hi from Oklahoma

I thought I'd check out your discussion area. I am fairly new to umpiring, been doing it now for 3 seasons. We started a month ago, and many games to come.The trouble in Oklahoma is there are so many umpires it is hard to get to see decent ball. I am doing high-school ball, which is okay, but I would like to be able to advance further.I understand that Softball Canada is very similar to ISF rules. I really want to learn as much as I can. My fellow umpires have told us that the Canadian umpires that do American softball are very talented.I don't have any great stories to share yet, since I am so now.. I'm sure they will come.This looks like a great place to get a discussion going, is it new? I can't see any postings.Thank youRobert
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