Site icon Calgary Minor Softball Umpires

2016 Umpire Clinic is now complete

This year, we had a record high turnout of 43 people for the umpire clinic. Thanks to all the attendees for being involved and asking great questions during the clinic. The attendees are well on their way to becoming carded/better umpires.

Learning doesn't stop in the classroom, and to be honest, the greatest is on the diamond. The executive looks forward to working closely with the new umpires on the diamonds.

A summary of the next steps to get started will be sent out to clinic participants soon. We will include a clinic satisfaction survey; please be honest with your answers, as we want to make sure that if there are opportunities to improve the clinic that we do so for next year.

15 -New Umpires - Adult
9 - New Umpires - Minor
4 - Parents / Coaches - "With Potential"
13 - Returning Umpires - Adult
2 - Returning Umpires - Minor

TOTAL ATTENDEES - 43 (More than Double of last year!)

6 - Missed Attendees - Will be Umpiring this year, and will write exam..

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