Site icon Calgary Minor Softball Umpires

2015 Website Updates Complete

The CMSUA website has been brought to current status.  Updates include the following..

  1. AGM/Executive Meeting Minutes have been brought current in the private members area
  2. Recruitment strategy updated for approved new incentives
    • $2 increase per game for 2015 / Additional $2 increase per game anticipated for 2016
    • $40 credit to compensate for clinic fee for umpires who bring along a new person to the clinic
    • New umpires will be given a ball bag, brush and indicator (counter) to keep
  3. All Tournaments in the Calendar are current and will be updated regularly for changes.
  4. Ask and Umpire / Discussion has been added - Feel free to ask ANY questions that come up on the diamond
  5. 2014 Season Survey results are shared publicly.  This included feedback from Clinic, Mentoring, and Assignments.  See Discussion area
  6. Login may be done by Username or E-mail address now
  7. A new cleaner Theme/Appearance for the website.  This should make it easier to read/navigate.  This includes a specialized view for mobile devices


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